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We are always delighted to share in this special celebration with families here at St. Francis!


For children under 7 years old:

Baptisms take place on the 3rd Sunday of the month in English and on the 2nd Sunday of the month in Spanish. 

We require parents to begin this process 3 months in advance in order to complete all preparation and paperwork. Classes are a mandatory requirement for first-time parents.


For more information, please call the Parish Center at 201-641-6464

For children 7 years old:

Children must be enrolled in Faith Formation classes for 2 years. To learn more, you can call the Parish Center 201-641-6464 or


For adults:

Baptisms take place at the Easter Vigil. Adults must be enrolled in RCIA classes. To learn more, you can call the Parish Center 201-641-6464 or 





Priests are available for confession at 4pm in the Church every Saturday.


Or by appointment, during the week to hear individual confessions. Please call the Parish Center at 201-641-6464 to schedule a time for confession.


We also have two separate weeks of evening confessions throughout the year: one during Advent and one during Lent.

Holy Eucharist

Holy Eucharist (First Communion):


Parents interested in having their children receive the sacrament of Holy Eucharist must enroll them in Faith Formation classes. Classes start at the end of September and finish in May. Registration for the upcoming school year begins on August 1st. The Archdiocese requires 2 years of preparation for the sacrament.


For more information, you can call the Parish Center at 201-641-6464 or emailing





For children/teenagers:

Our students receive Confirmation in the Spring of their 8th grade year. They begin preparing for Confirmation in the 7th grade. Students should continue in Faith Formation classes from the time they receive the sacrament of Holy Eucharist until Confirmation. If you have missed any number of years of instruction, remedial classes are offered to get everyone caught up. To learn more, you can contact the Parish Center at 201-641-6464 or email
















For adults:

Adults are confirmed either on the Easter Vigil or Easter Sunday. For more information, you can call 201-641-6464 or email 

Conf 61.jpg



First off, let us begin by saying, "Congratulations!" We are happy to assist you as you embark upon this journey and receive the beautiful sacrament of Matrimony. Couples contemplating marriage should make arrangements with one of the priests at least one year in advance. We want to make sure to secure your date on the parish calendar. You can request a particular priest for your wedding, or, if you do not have a specific request, any one of our priests will be happy to help you! You can make an appointment by calling the Parish Center at 201-641-6464.





RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process for adults to be brought into full communion with the Catholic Church through reception of the 3 Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation. 


RCIA is for:

  • Adults who are not baptized

  • Adults who are baptized in non-Catholic Christian faith but are interested in becoming Catholics

  • Adults who are baptized Catholic but need to receive sacraments of Holy Eucharist and/or Confirmation


RCIA classes begin in September and continue until you receive the sacraments on Easter weekend. Candidates attend 9:30am Mass every Sunday, along with their catechists (teachers), Class then takes place in the Parish Center from 10:30am-11:45am. 


If you desire to fully embrace the Catholic faith, please call 201-641-6464 or emailing 


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